I have been lost in recovery, and publishing land for a long while. I am resurfacing from hard reality to come back to my whimsical world of creating.
Now some of you know that I am a writer also. I just entered the frightening world of Querying Literary Agents. This is known as the 7th ring of hell. I have written at least 20 query letters and have had them reviewed and I just cant seem to get it right. I don't know what I am missing, but its true what they say, writing the query is harder than writing a book.
I'm excited for this step in my life as I want my book to be published. I think the story is unique and is has great potential...but getting that uniqueness and potential out in 250 words is like squeezing back into your high-school jeans...Probable...yet painful. I have two other books at the halfway stage, and I am currently focusing on finishing those while I take a break from hell. Ive started a blog for all my writer endeavors over at live journal. If anyone wants to take a gander,
NOW On to more exciting and crafty related news!
Shops are now reopened for business. Its been a long time coming but I am ready to get this movin! So Check out the updated links on me blog! And come and see me!
OOOH also I now have a Facebook page for
The Paper Flower! Come follow me for links and giveaways too! ALSO you will get to see NEW items BEFORE they are posted in the shop! Exclusive insider info too!